Sunday, January 14, 2007

I went fishing Saturday and didn't catch anything. Call me crazy, but it's time to get after some of those winter Steelhead. Instead of coming home with a fish, I came home with numb fingers. O.K. now it's your turn...There are two distinguishing qualities of a good fisherman found in week one? Check out the illustration in week one for the answer. Do you have these qualities?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's time to get your feet wet

Welcome to my blog! O.K. it's time to jump in and start talking about what it really means to be a disciple. "Taking the Plunge" will help you have a better understanding of who Jesus is. Too many people today get lost in the trappings of so called, 'Christianity.' Don't let it happen to you. Remember your life with Jesus is all that really counts in eternity. So lets jump in and discover the 'living water' he has for us. Everyone is thirsty, but only ONE drink will truly satisfy, and that's Jesus.