Monday, January 12, 2009

A bold fresh piece of blasphemy

(Image disclaimer: This is merely to catch your attention & peak your interest, we don't hate Bill O'Reilly, we just disagree with him as this blog entry will point out.)

The title of this post is modified and borrowed from Bill O'Reilly's lastest book entitled, "Bold fresh piece of humanity." To be perfectly honest, I have not read the book in it's entirety. And I don't think I will. Based on what I have read, the book in my opinion borders on blasphemy. The only bold fresh piece of humanity to come along over the last 2,000 years is Jesus not Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly continually refers to himself as the bold fresh guy. He also touts a need for self reliance and independence. "Accept nothing from anyone else, do it yourself," O Reilly says. Ideas that are in complete contrast to the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus taught us to depend on God. He said, "Apart from me you can't do squat!" (My translation of John 15:5) To live any other way is delusional at best. Many have tried, and yes some succeed in the world's eyes. But we'll never make it very far without God.

The boldest and freshest piece of humanity to ever come along is of course Jesus. If we want to know what it means to be truly human than we should get to know Jesus. He was the most human and humane person who ever lived. Bill O'Reilly often brags about how smart he is. Consider this: Jesus was the smartest guy who ever lived. There is something about this man that we cannot escape. There is a reason why people are obsessed with Jesus. Once he gets into your mind, it is awful hard to get him out, not that you would want to. And did you know that Jesus is as popular as ever? Yeah! There are Jesus action figures, Jesus bobble heads, Jesus seminars, Jesus movies. In fact, there are more movies made about Jesus than any other figure in history, over 100 and counting.

There is nary a mention of Jesus in O'Reilly's book. The only thing that even comes close are refereences to O'Reilly's childhood in a parochial School where he gained the reputation of being an antagonist. Nope no Jesus, just Bill. Maybe that explains O'Reilly's self disclosed lack of patience for people.

So here is what I think is going to happen when Bill O'Reilly passes from this life to the next. He will approach heaven's gate, where St. Peter will politely ask him to have a seat and wait for a minute, or two, or three...