Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Propserity Pulpit

Breaking News: I wrote this entry last month and just yesterday Senator Chuck Grassely of Iowa announced that his senate office has received numerous complaints against Televangelists. As a result, he has decided to launch a probe. Now the government gets involved in how not for profits spend their money. This is a sad day for the Church. Read my article and pray that God will have mercy on us.

In recent months, a number of scandals have rocked the Christian Church. Where shall I begin? In August it was Juanity Bynum and Bishop William Weeks. Apparently, the couples Million dollar wedding a few years ago wasn't enough to keep them together. After an argument in an Atlanta resturant, Weeks assaulted his estranged wife. He was arrested and jailed until bail was posted. A few weeks later Bynum announced a divorce was immanent. More recently, Randy and Paula White, founding Pastors of Without Walls International Church, announced they were getting a divorce too. Apparently, Paula White's success as an author, speaker was too much for their marriage. Or was it the private jets, jewlery and million dollar homes? I heard it said once, that the love of money is the root of all evil. I don't know if that's true or not, but it seems to fit. Then just this last week, Richard and Lindsay Roberts were slapped with a scandalous lawsuit alleging that they milked the Christian University where they serve of tens of thousands of dollars. At this point, they are denying everything. But its kind of hard to explain away shopping trips to the tune of $54,000.

It's no secret that the televangelism is big business. Especially for those annointed prosperity preachers. They drive luxury cars, wear huge diamonds and flash rolex watches-all in the name of God. Have you ever wondered who pays for this? Where does the money come from? I'll give you a clue: look in the mirror! Yeah, you. Well maybe not you personally, but a lot of people just like you pay for this lavish lifestyle. It's the people in the pew who fund these growing enterprises. When we buy CDs, Books, DVD's, and other merchandise we support profitable business ventures that translate into big stipends for the people who produce them. Let me give you an example, Benny Hinn owns a home in Malibu, drives an $80,000 SUV and owns a private jet with two full-time pilots to fly it. Not to mention an entourage of body guards, assistants and other ministry personel who see to it that Hinn doesn't suffer any inconvenience.

This is why everytime I turn on the Big Hair Channel, (TBN) I want to throw up. To be perfectly honest, I'm sick and tired of the prosperity gospel. Don't tell me that God wants me to rich when the Jesus I serve didn't have a dime. I'm sorry, but even if I did have money, I wouldn't spend it on sprawling ranches and rolex watches. This is why the Church of Jesus Christ has such a poor reputation. We are too materialistic. We're spending too much money on ourselves. And then someone like Bono comes along with a great idea to help poor people in Africa with AIDS. And where has the Church been? Asleep.

I want to challenge you to completely renounce the pursuit of earthly riches. I don't see that it has ever gotten us anywhere. In fact, the more we possess in the way of material things, the less we care about those who are suffering. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against possessing a few nice things. But at what point do those things possess us? At what point do we quit caring?

Anyway, now that I've blown off some steam. It's your turn to chime in. Go for it...

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