Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Baseball brewhaha

I used to think that Church politics were pretty bad. And they are, but what happens in the Church is nothing compared to baseball. I've been out of pastoral ministry for a year, and I have to say that it has been a blessing to be free of all the political manuevering and backbiting. But then out of the frying pan and into the fire. I jumped headfirst into Junior Baseball and I can honestly say that baseball is more cutthroat than what you see in the Church. Put a bunch of parents, coaches and egos together on the same field and watch what happens.

Case in point. My team, the Bluesox, played a team from David Douglas that has a reputation for harsh competitiveness. We played this team hard in a hotly contested game. The outcome of the game was a tie. And that's when the politics began. To make a long story short, they were upset with the umpire we selected. From there, they proceeded to take issue with everything including me. In the end, they had the game overturned in their favor on an technicality. UGGHH! To say that I was upset is an understatement. Actually, I think it was more shock and dismay than anything else. What is it about midget baseball that posesses people to the point that they almost lose thier minds? Numerous incidences occur each year that involve overly zealous parents and out of control coaches who allow the competitiveness to take over.

Before I point any fingers, I just want to say that I have struggled with this. At times, I find myself going a little overboard with matters on the baseball diamond. I have actually had to pray that God will help me keep it all in check. On occasion I have come down to hard a player, or snapped at people. I can't imagine being involved in this sport without God. I think I would be completely out of control! No wonder so many little league game descend into chaos! Once a spirit of competitiveness takes over there is little anyone can do to stop it. Apart from God, I just don't see much hope.

If anything, my coaching adventures have taught me that my life is nothing without Christ. I would be so lost, so out of control and so completely hopeless without the savior. Apart from God there is nothing to live for, not even baseball. The sport of baseball is very unforgiving and unkind. In fact, I've discovered that it doesn't take much to corrupt an innocent game of baseball. Just throw some human beings in the mix and watch how quickly it can go down hill...

Hey, if there is something in your life that trips you up, like baseball does me, what do you plan to do about it? Are you crying out to God for help? Have you allowed Jesus to enter into that place of struggle? Let's pray for each other and hold each other accountable. I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get.

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