Friday, October 3, 2008


George Bush has really got to be feeling it. He's a lame duck in Washington these days- suffering from the lowest approval ratings of any president in recent history. Nobody wants to be seen with him. Photo ops are rare. The media has all but written him off. Even the Republican establishment is keeping their distance. How sad. A presidency once filled with hope and promise of uniting the country ends with the nation more divided than it has ever been. For Bush 43, it just has turned out as he thought.

I know something about lameness these days. I've been struggling to heal a sprained ankle. Quite honestly, I've had days of feeling completely worthless. And lets face it, I'm not 24 anymore, I'm 29 (uhum....39). Anyway, being lame sucks. Under normal healthy circumstances I can run circles around people half my age. But lately, I've been feeling like a lame duck president. Just can't do much.

This is where we Christ followers have to settle into being instead of doing. Most of our self worth is tied up in doing and not being. So along comes a sprained ankle and all the doing is put on hold. As believers we must strike the balance of between being and doing. As John Wesley once said, there is no personal holiness without social holiness. So I'm learning to value this down time as an opportunity to put the doing on hold in favor of just being a child of God. And in some ways, it's long over due. The being has given me a chance to reflect on some things that I wouldn't otherwise have a chance to reflect on. Slowing it down is almost a good thing. I almost wonder sometimes if God didn't have something to do with it. So when things don't turn out as you would like them to on the doing front, take a deep breath and just BE for a while. And I hope you'll find it as refreshing as I do.

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